Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Today's Follow-Up Visit With the Oral Surgeon
Monday, June 29, 2009
Bus and Subway Fares Go Up in NYC

Paul McCartney Talks About Bob Dylan
Nothing has been confirmed or denied about McCartney collaborating with Bob Dylan. Your truly is hoping that when Paul takes the stage at Citifield on July 21, there will be a guest appearance by the man from Hibbing, Minnesota. Three people sitting in section 506 will be very happy. We would also be pleased if Ringo Starr played.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Mets lose to Yankees again 5-0

Our 15 game package at Citifield included the Saturday night game of the subway series with the Mets facing the Yankees. The Mets could only get one hit off Yankee pitching as the Bronx Bombers won 5-0. The game featured home runs by Nick Swisher and Jorge Posada. Over the last 3 Subway Series games the Yankees have outscored the Mets 29-1. The injuries have really caught up to the Mets as they have lost Carlos Beltran, Jose Reyes, Carlos Delgado, Oliver Perez, John Maine, and JJ Putz for extended periods of time. Box score.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Reconnecting with People from Different Schools in my lifetime
- P.S. 139 - Rich Jacoby
- Russell Sage JHS - Larry Stahl
- Forest Hills HS - Mike Seidman
- City College of NY - Joe Viel
- University of Rhode Island - I run into Louis Kirschenbaum, a chemistry professor back then at American Chemical Society meetings, but I have never reconnected with any of my fellow graduate students. I just did a search in Facebook, but couldn't find anyone
- Pratt Institute - I was a part time graduate student from 1979-82. The social interactions among part time students was minimal. I haven't reconnected with anyone.
Thoughts about this journal as it aproaches 1000 entries
Blogging has become very popular in the Web 2.0 era. There are probably millions of blogs (a shortened version of weblog) that are out there. As I reported a few weeks ago, 95% of them are abandoned evidently since the writer just lost interest.
There are different types of blogs. They can be about news events, political points of view, and personal experiences. I have chosen the latter approach.
My first entry was on October 15, 2005 when AOL offered its subscribers a place to publish blogs. In October 2008 Bruce's Journal made the transition to Blogger, a service of Google. At that point its address became http://bigtownman.blogspot.com which likely still works. Since Google sells domain names at $10/year, I used http://www.bruceslutsky.com as the major name for my journal. In August 2008 I started a work related journal at http://njitbruce.blogspot.com.
I always have to remember that anyone can read either journal so I have to remember to be careful what I write. I try not be be too personal in this journal. Certainly I have frustrations at work, but I will not write about them in either journal. I have been guilty of a few minor indiscretions and I thank people for pointing them out.
Here are some of the major topics of Bruce's Journal over the 1000 postings:
- Bob Dylan
- The Mets
- Going back into past stages of my life
- Radio
- Songs of the day
- Family activities
Since its inception Bruce's journal has received about 18,400 hits. This includes my own accessions When the journal made the transition to Blogger, I used Google Analytics to track usage. The post that got the most hits was a review of a new DVD about Bob Dylan's Never Ending Tour. It got so many hits since it was linked to Expecting Rain, a very popular Dylan fan site. The next two popular postings were about WABC Rewound. These entries were very high when I did a Google search on the phrase WABC Rewound.
I don't know how many different people have read Bruce's Journal. I am sure many just found it once as a result using Google or other search engine. I don't know what percentage of the readers actually know me. I know several radio enthusiast friends and one colleague from NJIT read it regularly. From Google Analytics, I can determine where the readers are located. There is one reader from Stamford, CT whom I don't know. The journal is also imported into my Facebook feed and I know many of my Facebook friends read it. This number is not counted by Google Analytics.
Very few people make comments to the journal directly, but several people have done so on Facebook.
I am happy to say that almost all my experience with my journal have been positive. There was only one individual who made some negative comments about me which I deleted. He disagreed with me on a radio related issue, but attacked my by making comments about my family which were just none of his business.
I will keep positing and hope you will keep reading.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Economic Stimulus Package from NJIT

Lee's Graduation from Francis Lewis High School Last Night
Even simchas have their aggravation. Nassau Coliseum is about 20 miles from the school and the ceremony started at 6 PM which seemed to be an unsual time. I drove to Forest Hills to pick up my mother and from there drove to the arena. We really got stuck in rush hour traffic. What should have taken 45 minutes took 1 hour and 45 minutes. At the end of the ceremony we had a problem findng Lee in the crowd. He went to security who phoned us on our cell phone. We were worried for a while, but all's well the ends well.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Mets lost for us last night

Monday, June 22, 2009
Carlos Beltran goes on the Disabled List

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day Radio Dedication From Lee

Dedication from Lee to Dad
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Reconnecting with Richard Jacoby from PS 139 Queens

We saw the Mets lose for use for the first time at Citifield

Classic Hit of the Day - Who'll Stop The Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival
For every day for the last 3 weeks it has either rained or been a threat of rain. There is a forecast of thundershowers for later this afternoon. We are going to the Met game that starts at 4 PM. I hope the rain holds off until later tonight.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Returned Home Today
2 Springfield Stations owned by Citadel WMAS (94.7 FM) and ESPN Radio WHLL (1450 AM) The Hall had their studios in the same building as the Basketball Hall of Fame. The Hall actually carried the Yankee games while the Red Sox were carried on WVEI (105.5 FM) and WNHP (1600 AM). No local station carried the Mets but I could pick up WFAN at night.
On the way home I listened to:
WPKX - Enfield. CT - Country
WDRC-FM Hartford - Classic Hits
WPLR - New Haven - Classic Rock
KC101.3 - New Haven - Rock
WEZN - Bridgeport - Soft AC
WCBS-FM - Classic Hits
My Facebook friends can see my photos. For those not on Facebook, please check:
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rainy Day in Springfield
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Six Flags over New England

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Springfield Mass Trip Day 1
I certainly checked out some radio stations on the trip up:
WXPK - The Peak from Westchester County, NY
WEBE - Westport
WPLR - New Haven
WDRC-FM - Hartford
WAQY - Springfield
It is hard to evaluate radio stations in the car when there is also road noise.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Off to Springfield Massachusetts
I got tickets for Paul McCartney at Citifield Tuesday July 21

Sunday, June 14, 2009
I turned the TV off in the 5th Inning

Today's Box Score
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A Tribute to Bob Dylan at the Tourneau Watch Store

We were going to walk around Central Park, but it startd to drizzle. We stopped in the famous toy store FAO Schwartz and browsed for a little while. We also looked around the Apple Store. I have still resisted the temptation to buy an IPOD.
Oy Vey - What a loss in the Subway Series

Friday, June 12, 2009
Random Thoughts of the Day
- Thank goodness it stopped raining
- Today is the transition to digital TV. Since we have one small TV in the bedroom that is not hooked up to cable TV, we bought a converter box and antenna. Some of the stations barely come in, while reception on some of the others are quite sharp. I will have to run the set up again tommorow when the transition is complete.
- Back in 1977 when I worked at Pfizer in Groton, CT, the chemists in the analytical lab called me Ishkabibble which was the name of a character on the 1930's radio show "Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge". Prior to that it was used as a slang word meaning "No worries," or "Who cares?
- I am getting ready for the Mets - Yankees Subway series starting in the Bronx tonight
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Virgin Megastore/Strand Books in Union Square

- Herman's Hermits
- Bob Seger
- U2
I must comment as I've done several times with regular journal reader Alan Berman that there are so few places left where one can purchase a CD. Most of the kids who buy music these days prefer to download and burn to a CD.
After the meeting a stopped by the famous Strand Book Store on 12th Avenue and Broadway. Bookstores are also becoming dinosaurs since people prefer to purchase from online stores such as Amazon.com. I purchased Ron Darling's new book titled The Complete Game: Reflections on Baseball, Pitching and Life on the Mound.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Should I Bring My New Laptop Computer on Vacation Next Week

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ted Kennedy - The Dream that Never Died
Monday, June 8, 2009
40th Anniversary of a Famous Collaboration
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I am on Twitter
By the way there is absolutely no significance to the number 8852. Years ago when I first signed up with AOL, I asked for the screen name BruceS. They said that it was available and offered me BruceS8852. I have kept that screen name for over 15 years now.
Article about Blogging in Today's New York Times
The blogger must be careful to realize that anyone can read the contents of a blog. I have seen that Google indexes Bruce's Journal within minutes. I am especially careful not to criticize anyone at work. I receive lots of statistics from Google Analytics on how many times the journal is hit and which postings are the most popular. Very few people have posted comments to this journal. I vet comments to this journal before allowing them to be posted, but I allow all comments except those that are unfairly critical of me. I know some of the people who follow this journal regularly. Some people have used search engines and found postings about Saturday Night Oldies, WABC Rewound, Citifield, Jahn's ice cream parlor, Camp Wel-Met, and jury duty among other topics.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mini Meet and Greet of Oldies Radio Enthusiasts Today
- Phyllis - Mark Simone's favorite listener
- Alan - the Distiguished Professor (we heard him lecture at length today)
- Patrick
- Terri
Karen and Lee were also there but are not considered among the elite since they are watching the Met game during the show. Yours truly will be listening to Cousin Brucie at 8 PM.
Professor Alan gave Cara the dunce cap and relegated her to the back of the room since she phoned him during last week's show.
Conversation with Joe Viel Today

- Bill Bernstein
- Joel Glassman
- Eugene Martinez
- Mike Hirschfeld
- Marty Milner
- Dick Kudlak
- Myron Frank
- Nathan Valentino
We discussed some incidents that happened all those years ago. One was when I had too many beers at Mulcahy's bar in Wantagh and I vomited on the street. Those were the days.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Bob Dylan Song of the Day - Buckets of Rain
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Googling Away with Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Some Memories of Brooklyn

- I was actually born in Brooklyn in what is known today as Brookdale Hospital. My parents and I lived with my grandmother in the Williamsburg section until I was 2 years old when we moved to Queens.
- I always hated driving on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway since the traffic was always terrible.
- I went to library school at Pratt Institute from 1979-82. Most of my classes were on the weekends
- From 1968 - 1972 I dated several girls who lived in Brooklyn
- My Aunt Rebecca and Uncle George lived in the Crown Heights section for many years
- Karen's Uncle Irving and Aunt Rose lived in the Georgetown section across from Gil Hodges Lanes
- My good friend Roy lives in Brooklyn Heights
- I enjoyed going to the Transit Museum in downtown Brooklyn
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ringo Starr to join Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney in Recording This Summer