Saturday, June 6, 2009

Conversation with Joe Viel Today

Last September in this journal I reported that I reconnected with college friend Joe Viel through Facebook. Since that time we exchanged a few e-mails. I told Joe that I had a new computer with a web cam so he suggested that I download Skype so that we could have an audio and video chat. I was able to contact him through Skype, I was able to see him, but he could not see me though we could chat as if it were a phone conversation. We talked mostly about our old fraternity brothers in Sigma Beta Phi at CCNY:

  • Bill Bernstein
  • Joel Glassman
  • Eugene Martinez
  • Mike Hirschfeld
  • Marty Milner
  • Dick Kudlak
  • Myron Frank
  • Nathan Valentino

We discussed some incidents that happened all those years ago. One was when I had too many beers at Mulcahy's bar in Wantagh and I vomited on the street. Those were the days.

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