Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bob Dylan Song of the Day - Dark Eyes

Did you have the experience when a song came on the radio, you just dropped everything to listen to it? That happened to me at work of all places. I usually listen to the radio through the internet when I arrive and do mundane chores such as checking e-mail. At about 8:40 AM Don McGee the DJ on WFUV announced that a Bob Dylan song would be played after the news break. Since WFUV has such a wide playlist, I couldn't even venture a guess as to what Dylan song would be played. He played Dark Eyes as it appeared on the Empire Burlesque album released in 1986 which I have in vinyl. Please check out the lyrics.

I saw Bob and Patti Smith sing this as a duet in December 1995 at the Beacon Theater. The Youtube video below was taken in Philadelphia during the same tour.

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