Saturday, July 4, 2009

Queens Museum of Art Revisited Today

One advantage of having a journal is to find out when I last visited an attraction. On March 29, 2008 I last visited the Queens Museum of Art in nearby Flushing Meadows Park. All museums have permanent and temporary exhibits so one should never visit a museum too often or he/she will see the same attractions. I always like to see the Panorama of New York City which has been there since the 1964 New York World's Fair. There were displays of collectables from the Worlds Fairs of 1939 and 1964 which we've seen before.

A few of the temporary exhibits were:

  • Red Lines Housing Crisis Learning Center, a large-scale installation of models, drawings, photographs, and videos by artist-designer Damon Rich
  • Tarjama Translation - an exhibition featuring artists from the Middle East, Central Asia and its diasporas

I guess since today was a holiday, the museum was not crowded. For a $5 admission fee, how could we go wrong?

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