Monday, July 6, 2009

Thinking Ahead to Retirement

Today I was sitting on a park bench in Alley Pond Park reading the business section of yesterday's New York Times. An article titled How to Make the Best of a Delayed Retirement hit close to home. Since I hit my 60th birthday this year, there have been more thoughts of retirement. Hopefully, I will only have 8 years to go when I will have completed 25 years at NJIT. I am envious of some friends who have already retired. It is nice to be able to go to a park bench and read or listen to the radio as I did today since NJIT gave us today off for the 4th of July. After a while this can get boring. The article discussed the fact that not everybody retires abruptly, they can ease into retirement by working part time for a while at their last employer. If I did that I would like to do something different. I would really want to put an end to the mundane questions that I have answered for years. There is always that great fear of not having enough money for retirement. Some of my investments in TIAA-CREF and other funds have gone down during this economic downturn. Hopefully in 8 years they will rebound.

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