These two come to mind:
Flying by the Beatles
Nashville Skyline Rag by Bob Dylan
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Would you like to tweet for a living
For the second time in one day the an article in the New York Times has stimulated me to write a journal entry. Peter Robert Casey was hired by St. John's University to cover the basketball team entirely on Twitter. He is a basketball fan with 50,000 followers on Twitter.
It is small world since he commented on a journal entry of mine about the NJIT basketball team. I then friended him on Facebook.
It is small world since he commented on a journal entry of mine about the NJIT basketball team. I then friended him on Facebook.
Please read this article if you are over 45
I found this article in the Styles section of today's New York Times. I will take some lines out of context, but I suggest you read the entire article:
- For those over 45, the unemployment rate is the highest in at least 60 years
- The gentleman in this article applied for 600 jobs and just got 3 interviews, 2 over the phone. The job where he interviewed on site went to someone half his age
- 95% of the companies to which he sent job applications never acknowledged him
- 90% of the people he worked with lost their jobs
When you wake up in the morning be thankful you have a job!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Taking Woodstock

If you want to see a concert movie, you will be very disappointed. You do hear some background music from the concert, but there is no footage from the original movie. There was a scene wher someone had a sign asking about Bob Dylan. Even though he lived nearby, Bob did not perform. In 1969 Dylan did appear at the Isle of Wight festival.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I'm So Tired - Beatles Song of the Day
This was my first 5 day week since early June. So, I came home "so tired."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Summer's Almost Gone by the Doors - Classic Cut of the Day
Yes, the calendar says August 27th and I have to work on Friday tomorrow for the first time since June. I will have to dig this LP out of my collection and play this cut as I have done for many years at the end of August.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What's a nice Jewish Boy Like Bob Dylan doing Issuing a Christmas CD

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Oy Vey - More Injuries for the Mets

- Carlos Beltran
- Jose Reyes
- David Wright
- Brian Schneider
- Carlos Delgado
- JJ Putz
- Angel Pagan
- John Maine
- Alex Cora
- Fernando Martinez
- Fernando Nieve
- Jonathan Niese
Did I forget anyone? I am sure that Alan Berman who reads this journal religiously will remind me of any omissions.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Bob Dylan Song of the Day - It's Alright Ma I'm Only Bleeding
His songs are vague and open to interpretation.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Another Sunday Afternoon at Flushing Town Hall

At least we didn't stay home to watch the Met game. Oliver Perez who makes $12 million/year gave up 6 runs in 2/3 of an inning. The Mets were behind 9-7 in the 9th inning with men on first and second and no outs and hit into an unassisted triple play. Oy vey!
1969 World Champion Mets were Honored at Citifield Last Night
I remember the 1969 baseball season quite well as I was a student at City College of New York. Until that point the Mets were baseball's loveable losers. They started out the season 18-23 but won 38 out of 49 to win the National League East title. They beat the Atlanta Braves in 3 games during the first League Championship Series. They beat the highly favored Baltimore Orioles 4 games to one. Back then the postseason games were played in daytime so people used to bring transistor radios to work or school. I remember cutting class once to sit around someone's radio to hear the World Series.
Last night the living members of the 1969 team and coaching staff were introduced. Also families of manager Gil Hodges, Tommy Agee, Tug McGraw, Don Cardwell, and Cal Koonce were introduced to the fans. We saw videos of some of the spectacular catches that were made duing the series. Between innings the Greatest Hits of 1969 were played. The video below lasts about 9 minutes.
I guess I should talk about the game. Sadly, the 1969 team could not rub some of it magic off the injury depleted 2009 team. The Mets lost 4-1 to the Phillies. There were pleny of Philadelphia Phillies fans in the stand who were quite happy.
Last night the living members of the 1969 team and coaching staff were introduced. Also families of manager Gil Hodges, Tommy Agee, Tug McGraw, Don Cardwell, and Cal Koonce were introduced to the fans. We saw videos of some of the spectacular catches that were made duing the series. Between innings the Greatest Hits of 1969 were played. The video below lasts about 9 minutes.
I guess I should talk about the game. Sadly, the 1969 team could not rub some of it magic off the injury depleted 2009 team. The Mets lost 4-1 to the Phillies. There were pleny of Philadelphia Phillies fans in the stand who were quite happy.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
WCBS BBQ Last Night
This was the first time I had stopped in Staten Island since 1982. Back then I had an interview at St, Vincent's Hospital there. A few weeks after the interview I got a phone call from the Human Resources Manager saying that I didn't get the job. This is extremely rare since very often unsuccessful candidates never get a rejection letter. Why do I remember these things?
When I got there I met radio enthusiasts Andrea Wiener, Mary Shaw, Cara Sieden, and Jerry Gillespie. There were a few people there. Perhaps I know some of them electronically :). Ron Parker was signing autographs while Joe Causi broadcast the show over the air. Since Broadway Bill Lee did his show at the studio until 7 PM, he did not arrive until later. I was disappointed that Dan Taylor, Sue O'Neal, and Bob Shannon were not there, but there must have been a legitimate reason. There was plenty of food for everyone.
There were performances by the Tramps and the Temptations Revue featuring Dennis Edwards. Sadly, most of the original Temptations have passed away. I have posted my pictures on Facebook. I am sure that Andrea and Mary will also do this. Non-Facebook people can see my photos at I had my picture taken with ketchup on my face :( . Oh well.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Lost 45s with Barry Scott

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lee went to the Museum of Modern Art and Brought Home a Bob Dylan Book

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A few words about Woodstock

Monday, August 17, 2009
Oldie of the Day - Summer in the City by the Lovin' Spoonful
We had a pretty cool summer until now. Today was hot and humid
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mom's 90th Birthday Dinner
Saturday, August 15, 2009
David Wright was hit in the head as Mets Lose 5-4

The Mets were down 4-1 but tied the game in the bottom of the 8th. Francisco Rodriguez gave up a home run to Benjie Molina in the top of the 10th as the Giants won the game 5-4.
Friday, August 14, 2009
It seems that librarians must count everything
Last night my neighborhood public library featured a singer, Flo Michaels, who sang hits of the 1950s and 60s. Most of the people in the audience were senior citizens as expected. What struck me as funny was that in the middle of the performance a librarian came into the room and counted the people there. I went to this performance to get away from the bean counters. I guess librarians must count everything I did a search on Youtube and found this video of Flo Michaels.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I will never be a game show contestant on TV

told Regis Philbin that they tried for 10 years to get on the show. Once you do get on the show questions can be about anything in the realm of human knowledge. I do not know that much about current popular culture, the arts, and English literature among other subjects. On Jeopardy the luck factor is the categories that come up and the expertise of your opponents. If you much just one question on Millionaire, you are finished. You must really have to admire Ken Jennings seen above for winning 74 matches on Jeopardy. Nobody even came close to that total after the limitation on 5 wins was lifted. I am certainly interested in being someones phone a friend on Millionaire.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
7 things that always bring the family together
In no particular order:
- Jeopardy (the Art Fleming Version was before Lee was born)
- Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (both Regis Philbin and Meredith Viera Versions)
- The New York Mets (even when they lose)
- Car 54 Where Are You (OOH OOH)
- Mister Ed (when Lee was small we had to explain to him that horses don't talk)
- The Beatles (together and individually)
- Bob Dylan (Karen soon found out that Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Slutsky come as a package deal)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Biggest Readers of this Journal Outside New York City
As I mentioned in yesterday's posting I receive statistics from Google Analytics on the locations from which people access my journal. The second most common location outside of NYC is Hillside, NJ. I know these hits are from radio enthusiast Frank D'Agostino. However, the most common suburban location is Stamford, CT. The only person I know from there is Larry Stoler whom I've met at number of Meet and Greets of oldies radio fans. A few years ago I met Larry at Grand Central Station and walked with him to the luncheon at Ben's Deli on West 38th Street. I haven't been in touch with him in a while and I've never discussed this journal with him. I really wonder who is that person from Stamford. Please e-mail me.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Site of Jahn's Ice Cream Parlor in Rego Park Today
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Regis Philbin Version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire Returns

- The fastest finger round has returned
- After the contestant gets the first 5 questions correct he gets the "Ask the Expert lifeline" Tonight the expert was Sam Donaldson
- There are time limits for answering each question
- The value of Question #10 is $25,000 as it is in the daytime version
This helps me fill the void while Jeopardy is running repeats.
Another Musical Genre at Flushing Town Hall

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Visited The Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum

Aircraft were launched and recovered from the flight deck of the Intrepid from 1943 until it was decomissioned in 1974. It served in World War II, the Korean War, Cold War, and Vietnam. It became a museum at the Hudson River in 1982. There were attractions on every deck including many military aircraft. There was a British Airways Concorde that we were able to tour. The former USS Growler the world's only diesel powered nuclear missile submarine was open to the public as well.
We arrived at the museum about 1 PM and left about 5:30 PM. When I got home I heard the story of a helicoptor and small airplane colliding over the Hudson River about 12 noon. This was about 1 mile south of the Intrepid Museum. Sadly 9 people are presumed dead in this tragedy.
Glad to hear that Former Mayor Koch is feeling better

I don't want to get involved in political discussion here, but one can not argue that Ed Koch is one of the most colorful elected officials in recent history. I am glad to hear that he is doing better.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Finally Burned a DVD
When I bought my new laptop I knew it had capabilities not available with my old computer. Of course technology changes so quickly it is dificult for an older person like myself to get out of a comfort zone. I finally figured out how to burn a video to a DVD. I had to download an upgrade to the Realplayer, but I now can do it. To test out my newly acquired skill, I went to Youtube and download 3 videos of Bob Dylan (who else) and burned them to a DVD and viewed them.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Newark Bears Game Today

The game began at 11 AM to accommodate day camps bringing their kids to the game. There was actually a power failure in the stadium. The scoreboard didn't work and there was no loudspeaker system. We had seats right behind the dugout of the visiting Long Island Ducks managed by hall of famer and former Met Gary Carter. The Bears are managed by former Montreal Expo Tim Raines. The Bears won the game 8-2. By 2 PM I was back at work.
Game Recap
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Latest Bob Dylan Rumor
Isis, a Bob Dylan fanzine, reports that following his last tour in the Spring Dylan recorded an album of new material that will be released as a new CD in December. Part of the rumor was that it would an album of Christmas songs. None of this was confirmed and likely would not be until a month or so before the release. Even though Dylan is Jewish he did feature a Christmas show on his Theme Time Radio Hour. We will just have to wait and see.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Trying to Be More Tech Savvy
When dealing with new technologies, it is very easy to reach a comfort zone and just be afraid to press forward and at lest explore new technologies or enhancements to existing ones. For example, I held on to my desktop computer for almost 6 years. My Internet searching got gradually slower and a few months ago i bought a state of the art laptop. Of course, there is a faster and better model out right now.
Just today i added more entries to my Google Reader account. I get updates from web sites covering sports news, radio news, Bob Dylan, and technology news. There is so much out there and it is still so difficult to keep up with everything. I guess you don't have to read everything, but its out there when and if I need it.
Just today i added more entries to my Google Reader account. I get updates from web sites covering sports news, radio news, Bob Dylan, and technology news. There is so much out there and it is still so difficult to keep up with everything. I guess you don't have to read everything, but its out there when and if I need it.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I will go to my 6 remaining Met games

The 2009 Mets will not be their worst team. There were very terrible teams when the franchise began in the early 1960s. The Mets fell apart in the late 1970s after the Tom Seaver trade when the management would not pay competitive salaries. Back in the early 1990s the Mets were the worst team that money could buy. Sadly, this years team was decimated by injuries. I will attend the 6 games remaining in my 6 gme package.
The headline above was taken from AM New York, one of two free newspapers given out by subway stations. This morning I could only get the Metro, its competitor. I'd like to thank regular reader Frank D'Agostino for bringing this to my attention.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Another Lucky Find at the Local Public Library

"Sooner or later, you have to pay for everything you get and everything you do. Eventually you will have to face the consequences of all your actions and decisions."
Think about it.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Queens has lost another Kosher Deli

- Ben's Best - Rego Park
- Ben's - Bayside
- Buddies - 73rd Avenue in Oakland Gardens
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