Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A few words about Woodstock

I am a day or two late about this, but back in the summer of 1969 I did not have my own car so I couldn't even think about driving up to Woodstock. Back in those days I drank beer at the Frontier Palace on Union Turnpike with Joe Viel and the other guys from Sigma Beta Phi fraternity at CCNY. I remember in 1970 going into Manhattan with Roy to see at 10 AM showing of the movie. I did buy the soundtrack LPs and still have them on vinyl. As I am listening to this I am listening to Pete Fornatale's WFUV show from this past Saturday. The archived version may be heard at http://wfuv.streamguys.us/cgi-bin/colinker.cgi?colink=1003773528328 . It will only be available online for about two weeks. Pete Fornatale also recently wrote a book on Woodstock called Back to the Garden: The Story of Woodstock. My friend Alan Berman saw Pete promote the book at a Borders in Manhattan.

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