Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mary Travers 1936-2009

We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Mary Travers of the folk group Peter Paul and Mary. Regular readers of Bruce's Journal may remember that I featured their cover of Bob Dylan's Too Much of Nothing twice this year in January and March. It was their version of the civil rights anthem Blowing in the Wind that introduced me to Bob Dylan. Back in 1963 in Camp Wel-Met in Narrowsburg, NY the counselors taught us the song. They didn't mention its composer. Below is the video of Peter Paul and Mary with Bob Dylan singing it on January 20, 1986 (the first observance of Martin Luther King Day) at the John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center Opera House in Washington, DC. Karen and I saw the trio in concert at Queens College in the mid 1980s.

An obituary of Mary may be found in the New York Times.

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