Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why am I punishing myself by watching the Mets?

The picture above should look very familiar to readers of this journal. Since I had a professional meeting in Manhattan today, I got home early enough to watch the Met game against the Washington Nationals which began at the unusula time of 4:30 PM. At about 6:55 the Mets were ahead 3-2 in the 8th innining when I had to turn to watch Jeopardy. When it was finished at 7:30 we turned back to the ball game as the Mets were leading 4-2 in the bottom of the 9th with star reliever Francisco Rodriguez on the mound. The Nationals scored one run and had the bases loaded with two outs when Justin Maxwell hit a grand slam home run to win the game for the lowly Nats 7-4. The Mets just lost 3 games in a row to the worst team in baseball. Oy vey! The season is almost over. 3 games to go this weekend against the Houston Astros and then the entire management team should be fired!

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