Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Commute This Afternoon Went Well

This semester I work on the evening shift at the NJIT Library on Tuesdays. This morning I left a little early (10:45 AM) since I was scheduled to teach a class at 1 PM, my expected time of arrival. I made good connections and and came to NJIT shortly after 12:30. Now I have to worry about my trip home. I just hate train delays when I go home at night. There are 2 substantial delays that I remember:

1. New Jersey Transit Trains were not running so I had to take the PATH from Newark to 33rd Street. This is a much slower ride.
2. One night the #7 Flushing train stopped at Vernon-Jackson in Long Island City for about 30 minutes. There was nothing else I could do but wait out the delay.

Let's hope for the best.

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