Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our last Met game of the season

Today's game was the last game in our 15 ticket package. Thankfully the season ends tomorrow. When we left the house, it was cloudy outside, but the rain was predicted for the afternoon. We brought our umbrellas and sat in our regular seats in Section 527 of Citifield. At the end of the fifth inning at 3 PM the game was stopped for rain as the the Mets were leading the Houston Astros 4-1. Twenty minutes into the rain delay, it really started to pour and we decided to leave. The game was meaningless anyway as the Mets lost over 90 games. When we got home I did some reading and turned on WFAN at about 5 PM. The announcers said that the game would resume at 5:20 after a 2 hour and 20 minute rain delay. They thought it was foolish to resume since the result would be inconsequential. It is up to the umpires either call off or resume the game. We turned on the TV and saw very few people left in the stands. The Mets won the game 5-1. Game recap. The Mets were 7-8 in the games we saw this season.

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