Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Season for the Mets is Finally Over

The season ended on a positive note as the Mets won their last 3 games and finished the season at 70-92. For the last two seasons they were eliminated from the postseason on the final day. Much, but not all of the downfall on the team can be blamed on the long term injuries of many key players, but there will have to be changes made in the off season. I think that general manager Omar Minaya should be fired since he did make some bad player moves over the past few seasons. Oliver Perez did not deserve $36 Million over 3 seasons. He traded away excellent relievers Heath Bell, and Matt Lindstrom and got absolutely nothing for them. I don't think the Wilpons will fire Minaya. I also think Jerry Manuel will stay as manager; he wasn't the greatest, but not the worst either. As a token gesture, several coaches will be mad scapegoats and be let go. We will have to hope for the best in 2010.

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