Monday, November 30, 2009

White Room by Cream

It was back to work today. Nothing all that exciting happened so I think I will resume my posting of color songs. One of my favorites has to be White Room by Cream with some fantastic guitar playing by Eric Clapton. As you can see from Youtube, this was from the album Wheels of Fire which I bought back in 1968. The cover of the initial release of the album which I still have was in a glossy silver color. Later issues had a dull gray cover. Facebook friends can hear the song at .

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beat Expo in Stamford, Ct Today

Yours truly is posing with Clay Cole who hosted a television dance show in New York City from 1959-68. Clay also met Alan Berman, the Dean of oldies radio listeners. Both of us bought autographs of Clay's new book titled "Sh-Boom! The Explosion of Rock n Roll 1953-68." I will likely write a review of this book in Bruce's Journal.

The show was devoted to the Beatles and featured some tribute bands including Octopus's Garden and the Beatles Forever Band. Guests included Peter Tork of Monkees, Butch Patrick of the Monkees, and Sid Bernstein who brought the Beatles to America in 1964. Sid was selling his book titled "It's Sid Bernstein Calling ... The Promoter Who Brought the Beatles to America. Sid looked quite well for a man of age 92. I attended a session where Sid was interviewed about some of circumstances of how the Beatles came to Carnegie Hall in 1964 and to Shea Stadium in 1965 and 1966. It is heard to believe that one could buy a ticket to a Beatles concert for $3.50 back then. Salaries were also much lower in 1965.

We also saw a film of Beatles performances from 1964. Much of the space in the hotle was devoted to a vendors/dealers room where one could purchases records, tapes CDs, videos and other Beatles memorabilia. Of course someone was trying to sell copies of the rare Yesterday and Today Butcher Cover for thousands of dollars.

Besides Alan, I ran into Bill Dilane, Fred Velez, and Annie K. Kolenberg Cross. Photos may be seen at You will see a photo of Lee with Butch Patrick who starred in the Munsters.

Recording of Cousin Brucie playing my song request last night

I would like to publically thank Andrea Wiener, the Oldies Diva, for recording my request of I'm Gonna Be a Wheel by Fats Domino on Sirius/XM last night. Here is the link:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cousin Brucie played my request tonight

It has been impossible to get through to Cousin Bruce on the phone while he does his show on Sirius/XM. I sent him an e-mail requesting I'm Gonna Be A Wheel by Fats Domino. An hour later he played my request. His show alone is worth the subscription to Sirius/XM. He also acknowledged that I was the first to get him involved with Facebook. My friends there can see the video at

The Blind Side

We decided to stay close to home today and just walk over to the local multiplex to see the Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw. It was about a family who supported a poor and undereducated football player as he attended high school and was recruited by major colleges in the south. I recommend it highly. You can access the Internet Movie Database for more information about this film

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday at the Brooklyn Museum

The closest I got to a shopping mall today was the bus stop by Macy's and Old Navy in downtown Flushing. We took the subway to the Brooklyn Museum to see the exhibit Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955 to the Present. I am sure that my readers are familiar with album covers and famous photographs of rock stars, but few including myself know of the photographers. The one above of Tina Turner was taken by Henry Diltz. The exhbit at the museum featues 175 works by 105 photographers including:
  • Richard Avedon
  • Annie Leibovitz
  • Barry Feinstein
  • Don Hunstein
  • Mark Seliger

We purchased the companion volume to the exhibit to have a permanent record of what we saw today. We did have time to take in some other exhibits including the Luce Center for American Art, the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art and the period rooms on the 4th floor. We didn't have time to view any of the exhibits on the lower 3 floors. It would take two full days to take in the entire museum.

I was grateful that I did not have to fight crowds in the shopping malls. The worst part of shopping is standing in line when inevitably the person ahead of you has a big problem. Not today for me.

What do Bob Dylan and Micky Dolenz have in Common?

It is obvious that both of them are recording artists. There is another common thread between the two regarding radio. Micky Dolenz did the morning show on WCBS-FM from January 2005 until June 3, 2005, the day the turkeys (and that is being polite) who ran CBS radio brought the dreaded Jack format to 101.1 FM. That morning there was a celebration for Micky's 100th show.
Bob hosted the Theme Time Radio Hour on XM Radio for 3 seasons. The series ended after 100 shows last spring. XM is running repeats of the shows, but there has been no official announcement of the end of the series, but I think that is safe to assume that it will not return.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner with the Family

I picked up my mom in Forest Hills this afternoon and drove to my sister Joyce's house in Dix Hills, Long Island. My brother-in-law Keith and my nephews Scott and Adam were there for Thanksgiving dinner. We certainly missed Sasha their dog who passed away last September. We enjoyed the football game and turkey dinner. We concluded the evening by watching Jeopardy. I drove my mother home and now I am writing this journal entry. Hopefully, we will do this again next year.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

She's a Rainbow by the Rolling Stones

Last week I announced that on "writer's cramp" days I would list color songs. Today's entry comes from the Album Their Satanic Majesty's Request, the Rolling Stones answer to Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Facebook friends may see it at

Monday, November 23, 2009

Special Dedication to a Regular Reader - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by the Animals

I am not familiar with the composers of this song. It was written by Bennie Benjamin, Gloria Caldwell, and Sol Marcus. I will not comment any further. Facebook friends may see it at

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2012 the movie - a little far fetched for me

We took a walk over to the local multiplex this afternoon to see the movie 2012. As I have said before in this journal most of the movies these days are suited for a young audience. Most of the people in the theater for Pirate Radio last week were baby boomers like myself who grew up with the sounds of the 60s. The audience for 2012 were mostly kids.

It is my opinion that science fiction books and films be based on speculative science, not blind fantasy. Here a scientist states in 2009 that there is excessive neutrino activity in the sun and 3 years later there are earthquakes all over. The protagonists in the movie have way of getting out of harms way by car or plane within seconds of death. In one scene they are submerged under water for several minutes and survive without any ill effects.

The movie gets an A++ for special effects. Maybe in a bad economy people may feel that they are just out of work, while most of civilization in this movie perishes.

Remembering November 22, 1963

It is hard to believe that it has been 46 years (3/4 of a lifetime for me) since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. I was in the 9th grade of Russell Sage Junior High School at the time. I had just finished 7th period English class with Alice Duffy as I walked into 8th period algebra class with Frank Jackson. We were supposed to have a test, but he had a very long face as he said that the president was shot but there were no other details. He cancelled the test as we waited for a further announcement. The principal, Dr. Charles Tanzer, got on the loudspeaker system and repeated the report to the entire school. About 10 minutes later Dr. Tanzer announced that President Kennedy was dead. Some of the girls in the class cried. I spent most of the next 4 days watching the unfolding events on TV news.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hofstra 52 Massachusetts 38

It was a mild and sunny day for late November so we drove out to Hempstead and saw the Hofstra Pride beat the Minutemen of the University of Massachusetts 52-38. If you like defense, this was not the right game. There were very very turnovers as the quarterbacks dominated on Senior Day, the last home game of the season.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Colorful Interludes to this Journal

I have decided to include videos of colorful songs to this journal on "slow days" when I have nothing to say. They could be songs about colors in general or a song about a specific color. I'll keep it up until I get tired of doing it.

To start it, I have chosen Colours (note the British spelling) by Donovan. I actually have this on vinyl on the original Hickory label. I will also post the lyrics. Facebook friends can see it at

Yellow is the colour of my true love's hair,
In the morning, when we rise,
In the morning, when we rise.
That's the time, that's the time,
I love the best.

Blue's the colour of the sky-y,
In the morning, when we rise,
In the morning, when we rise.
That's the time, that's the time,
I love the best.

Green's the colour of the sparklin' corn,
In the morning, when we rise,
In the morning, when we rise.
That's the time, that's the time,
I love the best.

Mellow is the feeling that I get,
When I see her, m-hmm,
When I see her, oh yeah.
That's the time, that's the time,
I love the best.

Freedom is a word I rarely use,
Without thinking, m-hmm,
Without thinking, oh yeah.
Of the time, of the time,
When I've been loved.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bob Dylan at the United Palace Theater - Saving the Best for First

Dylan and his band took the stage at 8:40 PM. Below is the set list:

Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
It Ain't Me, Babe
Man In The Long Black Coat
It's All Good
Spirit On The Water
High Water (for Charlie Patton)
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
Forgetful Heart
Cold Irons Bound
I Feel A Change Comin' On
Highway 61 Revisited
Workingman's Blues #2
Thunder On The Mountain
Ballad Of A Thin Man
Like A Rolling Stone
All Along The Watchtower

My favorite had to be Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again, the first song. It has had personal significance for me since it was first released in 1966. A close second had to be Most Likely You Go Your Way (and I'll go Mine) also from the Blonde on Blonde Album. Lee said that his favorite was All Along the Watchtower while Karen picked Highway 61 Revisited.

There was some fantastic guitar playing by Charlie Sexton throughout the concert. The best sideman want to play with Dylan. Bob played more harmonica in this show than he had in several of the recent performances that I have seen. Below is part of Like a Rolling Stone that was recorded on Tuesday's performance. I saw several security staff stopping people from taking pictures or videos. As of now there were none on Youtube from Wednesday's show. Facebook friends can see it at .

Dylan has toured every year since the early 1990s. It has been popularly called "The Never Ending Tour." Every time I see Dylan I am always afraid it will be for the last time. He is 68 years old, so you never know when he will decide to stop. Tonight's show is the last of this leg of the tour. Hopefully it will resume in early 2010 and return to New York City.

Dion at the United Palace Theater

I digged into my tape collection and found a cassette of Dion's Greatest Hits. We played as we ate dinner before we left for the concert. The ticket said the show was to start at 7:30 and it began at that time promptly. Dion sang a few covers and some of his hits of the 1960s that we used to hear on WCBS-FM. He played:
  • Summertime Blues
  • Rave on
  • Shake Rattle and Roll
  • Ruby Baby
  • The Wanderer
  • Runaround Sue

I remember back in 1987 we saw Dion at the WCBS-FM 15th Anniversary concert at the Radio City Music Hall. At that concert people were dancing in the aisle as she sang Runaround Sue. Below is a video of Dion singing it with the Belmonts. Facebook readers can see it at . He told the audience that he grew up on Belmont Avenue in the Bronx, walking distance from the theater.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anticipating the Bob Dylan Concert with Dion as the Opening Act

Since the Dylan concert is in the middle of the week, I have decided to take the day off from work so I will not be tired during the concert. Since 1997, Dylan concerts have become family outings. The photo above is Lee with a wax figure of Dylan at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Manhattan. Lee's first concert was at William Paterson University.

I am also looking forward to seeing Dion. The reports from last night's concert indicate that Dylan and Dion did not sing together. Look for a report here in a day or two.

The Nice Thing about Tuesdays - A Double Dose of Bob Shannon

This semester I have been working late on Tuesday's at the NJIT Library. When I work late I bring my radio instead reading material for the train ride from Flushing to Newark. Since the #7 line is mostly above ground I listen to Bob Shannon on WCBS-FM. I have been listening to Bob since the mid 1980s. I remember back then he had Tuesday Night Trivia when he asked a question and listeners would phone in with the answer. Bob announced my son Lee's birth on the air in 1988. When I arrive at work I turn on my computer and listen to Bob on
WLNG is an oldies station from eastern Long Island. Back in 1977-78 when I lived in New London, CT I was able to listen over the air, but with internet technology anyone can listen over the web.
The WCBS-FM show is done live while the WLNG show is pre-recorded. It is obvious that Bob really enjoys his jobs at both station. He really knows the music and the artists of the oldies genre. WLNG also plays more rarities and hits from the early days of rock n' roll. Connie T. Empress, his wife, is on the air with him at WLNG. Last summer my friend Alan Berman, the Dean of oldies radio listeners, was driving back to NYC from Newport, RI. While he was driving back through Connecticut he was able to hear Bob simultaneously on WLNG at 92.1 FM and at WCBS-FM at 101.1 FM.
Bob has certainly been an asset to the radio business for many years and hopefully he will continue with his two gigs for a very long time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Beatles Song of the Day - We Can Work it Out

Right now I am listening to Breakfast with the Beatles with Dennis Mitchell during the evening while I am posting a Beatles song. There is a very significant and appropriate lyric in this song:

Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend

Facebook friends (and I hope we are still friends in the literal sense) may see the video at

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carousel at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center

Carousel considered by Richard Rogers as his favorite work opened on Broadway in 1945. I am also looking out for different forms of entertainment at a reasonable price. This was a production of Theatre by the Bay, the community theater group of the Bay Terrace Jewish Center. It featured classic Broadway show tunes including June is Busting Out All Over and You'll Never Walk Alone. We all enjoyed the show.

Why We Cant' Be Friends - War - Special Song of the Day

I can be friends with people even if they dislike Bob Dylan, Jeopardy, or the New York Mets.

Facebook friends can see this

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pirate Radio movie today

It is not very often when there is a movie about radio. Back in the 1960s it was illegal to broadcast rock music in Great Britain. Thus, broadcasters used ships to transmit from the North Sea. In the movie a member of parliment was trying to pass a law that banned this radio stations. There were some comical subplots involved. I guess I just don't have a British sense of humor. I did enjoy the music which is normally heard on WCBS-FM or my favorite internet radio shows.

I ordered the soundtrack CD from I had a short online chat with Alan Berman and Patrick Guice about the loss of record stores. I suppose I could stop by Borders at Penn Station on the way home, but their selection is small. I'll wait until my package from Amazon comes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Summary of the Top 10

  • 10 Commandments of Love - Moonglows
  • 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
  • 8 Days a Week - Beatles
  • 7 Rooms of Gloom - 4 Tops
  • 6 O'Clock - Lovin' Spoonful
  • Obviously 5 Believers -Bob Dylan
  • Big Girls Don't Cry - 4 Seasons
  • 3 Cool Cats - Beatles
  • 2 of Us - Beatles
  • 1 - 3 Dog Night

One - Three Dog Night

I went for the obvious here One by Three Dog Night. One is the loneliest number. Facebook readers can see it at

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Back to the Countdown - Two of Us by the Beatles

Three Cool Cats was a very early Beatles recording, while Two of Us was done for the Let it Be Album. It looks like the Youtube video is from the film of the same name. Lennon and McCartney had to certainly be the greatest songwriting team ever. It is a shame there was such bitterness between the two after the breakup of the Beatles in the 1970s. Paul sneered at John with the song Too Many People while John struck back with How do You Sleep. We never know if there would have been a reconciliation in the 1980s. Paul did write a nice tribute to John titled Here Today which he played at the Citifield concert this past summer.

Facebook readers can see the video at

There is a Bob Dylan Song for Every Circumstance

You never know when a Dylan song will strike close to home.

This version of Disease of Conceit was a performance at the Hammersmith Odeon in London in February 1990. It was obviously a bootleg video, so the words are not clear so I will post them at the bottom. Readers of Facebook can see the video at

Disease Of Conceit

There's a whole lot of people suffering tonight
From the disease of conceit.
Whole lot of people struggling tonight
From the disease of conceit.
Comes right down the highway,
Straight down the line,
Rips into your senses
Through your body and your mind.
Nothing about it that's sweet,
The disease of conceit.

There's a whole lot of hearts breaking tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Whole lot of hearts shaking tonight
From the disease of conceit.
Steps into your room,
Eats your soul,
Over your senses
You have no control.
Ain't nothing too discreet
About of disease of conceit.

There's a whole lot of people dying tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Whole lot of people crying tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Comes right out of nowhere
And you're down for the count
From the outside world,
The pressure will mount,
Turn you into a piece of meat,
The disease of conceit.

Conceit is a disease
That the doctors got no cure
They've done a lot of research on it
But what it is, they're still not sure

There's a whole lot of people in trouble tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Whole lot of people seeing double tonight
From the disease of conceit,
Give ya delusions of grandeur
And a evil eye
Give you idea that
You're too good to die,
Then they bury you from your head to your feet
From the disease of conceit.

Copyright ©1989 Special Rider Music

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Three Cool Cats by the Beatles

These were the very early Beatles who played at the Cavern Club in Hamburg. Pete Best was the drummer back then. Facebook readers may see the video at

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Starting the Countdown to the Big Bob Dylan Concert

The concert at the United Palace Theater is now 9 days away. I started by printing out the set listing from last nights concert at Temple University. Dylan fan Bill Pagel has compiled set lists of his concerts for years at . Since Bob changes the set list for each concert, I like to look at those for concerts leading up to mine to try to predict what he will play when I am there. This concert will feature Dion as the opening act. Yesterday on my way to work Bob Shannon on WCBS-FM stated this and played Runaround Sue and Knockin' on Heaven's Door back to back. He later speculated on whether they would play a few numbers together. Yes, Dion has covered song Dylan songs. The results may be found from this Dylan covers database. I am hoping that Dion will play Tomorrow is a Long Time. I am also wondering if Dion will play some early hits that I used to hear on WCBS-FM. Later in his career Dion did a lot of Christian music.

I am now scratching my head thinking of some of the opening acts I have seen with Dylan:
  • Paul Simon
  • Pattie Smyth
  • Merle Haggard
  • Amos Lee
  • Van Morrison
  • Joni Mitchell
  • Ani DiFranco
  • Santana

He did several numbers with Paul Simon at Jones Beach. Patty Smyth did Dark Eyes at the Beacon Theater. Bob and Van collaborated on Blue Suede shoes since that concert at the Madison Square Garden Theater was shortly after the passing of Carl Perkins.

Big Girls Don't Cry by the Four Seasons

I couldn't think of any songs with a 4. I even checked my Joel Whitburn Top Pop book and there were only a few obscure hits with a 4 so I picked the 4 Seasons. The first of their hits that I heard back in the Fall of 1962 was Big Girls Don't Cry. The Broadway show Jersey Boys is still going strong. Facebook readers may see the video and hear the song at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Obviously Five Believers by Bob Dylan

 This is one of my favorite cuts from the album Blonde on Blonde that was released in Spring 1966. Very often, the exact title of a Dylan song did not appear in the lyrics. Fifteen jugglers Fifteen jugglers Five believers Five believers All dressed like men Tell yo' mama not to worry because They're just my friends

He doesn't say "Obviously Five Believers"

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Six O'Clock by the Lovin' Spoonful

This song certainly strikes close to home since my alarm clock is set to 6:10 AM. If I make all of my conncections I will arrive at NJIT at 8:10 AM. Facebook readers can find this video at

Saturday, November 7, 2009

7 Rooms of Gloom by the 4 Tops

It's back to the Top 10 countdown. I had a couple of choices for the #7 song, but I pick the mainstream Motown hit 7 Rooms of Gloom by the Four Tops. Facebook readers can see the video at

Another afternoon at CW Post

Today was Senior Day at Hickock Field on the CW Post Campus. This is the last day of the season where the graduating seniors come on the field before the game with their families and get a award from the school. It was cooler this Saturday than last week, but there was very little wind. CW Post defeated Lock Haven University 27-15.

Friday Night at the Prudential Center in Newark

The Prudential Center is a short walk from both NJIT and Newark Penn Station. Last night Karen and Lee met me there as we saw the New Jersey Devils beat the New York Islanders 2-1. In recent years we have gone to one hockey game a season. Our seats were in the last row of the top level, but right at the red line so we could see everything. Game highlights.

Announcement 4th Annual Meet and Greet of Oldies Enthusiasts Saturday December 12 2 PM

You are invited to the 4th Annual Meet and Greet of Oldies Fans. We use the “O” word with pride.

Date: Saturday December 12 - 2 PM - 4 PM
Place: Ben’s Deli - 209 West 38th Street, New York, NY
Cost: You pay the restaurant on the day of the event

Since the restaurant is giving us the space for free, we ask that you do order a meal if you come to the Meet and Greet.

This is being planned by listeners for listeners. It is not affiliated with any radio station.

Please let us know the number of people who are coming.

For reservations and questions please e-mail


Alan Berman
Jeff Scheckner
Bruce Slutsky

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eight Days a Week by the Beatles

I think this is an obvious choice for my 8 song in this thread. Facebook readers may see it at

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Revolution #9 is not my 9 song

I think readers of Bruce's Journal especially the men would rather see 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton instead of Revolution #9 with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Facebook users may see Dolly at .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Day Today

It has been my policy not to talk about political issues and I will not do so here. Usually I arrive at PS 214 a block away from home about 6:40 AM to vote before I go to work. Today I got there about 9:30 after my quick checkup at the oral surgeon. I didn't have to be at NJIT until 1 PM. On one side of the street were people promoting Yen Chou, the Democratic candidate for City Council while across the street supporters of Peter Koo her Republican challenger were handing out literature. The major race of course is the mayoral election. Michael "Moneybags" Bloomberg is running against Bill "Mr. Dull" Thompson.

The one comment I will make is that it is outrageous that Bloomberg is spending close to $100 million of his own money to get elected. I wish he would have donated that to worthy charitable organizations.

Top Ten Countdown Starts Today

I was always a big fan of the Top 20 Countdown on WCBS-FM. It was fun to hear songs not in the usual playlist on the station. Since I had so much fun with the days of the week songs I will start a thread listing songs with a number in the title starting from 10 and moving down to 1. My first selection is a doo-wop hit from 1958, The Ten Commandments of Love by the Moonglows. Facebook readers may see the video at

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Everyday of the Week by the Students

This oldie completes this thread of Days of the Week Songs. Years ago I heard it regularly on WCBS-FM, but not any longer. Facebook users may see the video at . I checked the Bob Dylan song book and noticed none of his songs had a day of the week in the title. I am sure that if i looked into the lyrics, I will find days of the weeks in there.

Of the 8 songs, which is your favorite? What other day of the week songs do you like? To summarize my list:

  • Monday Monday - Mamas and Papas
  • Ruby Tuesday - Rolling Stones
  • Wednesday Morning 3 AM - Simon and Garfunkel
  • Jersey Thursday - Donovan
  • Friday on my Mind - Easybeats
  • Another Saturday Night - Sam Cooke
  • Sunday Morning Coming Down - Johnny Cash
  • Every Day of the Week - Students

Sunday Morning Coming Down by Johnny Cash

I had to scratch my head a little bit to think of a Sunday song. After Lee put on his Johnny Cash t-shirt thing morning the song Sunday Morning Coming Down came to mind. I have discussed in this journal his devotion to the Man in Black. Facebook readers may see the video at .