Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday at the Brooklyn Museum

The closest I got to a shopping mall today was the bus stop by Macy's and Old Navy in downtown Flushing. We took the subway to the Brooklyn Museum to see the exhibit Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955 to the Present. I am sure that my readers are familiar with album covers and famous photographs of rock stars, but few including myself know of the photographers. The one above of Tina Turner was taken by Henry Diltz. The exhbit at the museum featues 175 works by 105 photographers including:
  • Richard Avedon
  • Annie Leibovitz
  • Barry Feinstein
  • Don Hunstein
  • Mark Seliger

We purchased the companion volume to the exhibit to have a permanent record of what we saw today. We did have time to take in some other exhibits including the Luce Center for American Art, the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art and the period rooms on the 4th floor. We didn't have time to view any of the exhibits on the lower 3 floors. It would take two full days to take in the entire museum.

I was grateful that I did not have to fight crowds in the shopping malls. The worst part of shopping is standing in line when inevitably the person ahead of you has a big problem. Not today for me.

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