Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Hearty Mazel Tov To Me - I got an iPhone Today

I few weeks ago I said that I was going to get an iPhone right after Christmas. I didn't waste anytime. Today is December 26th and I have my iPhone after months if not years of indecision. Although it was raining today, we walked over to downtown Flushing to the AT&T store. We told the salesman that I wanted a 3G iPhone for $99. We also got a contract with 200 text messages a month for $5. I think that will be enough for me. The salesman took our old phone and transferred the contacts to the iPhone.

When we got home it was time to figure out how to use it with the thought in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day. It will take me time to learn how to use it. I first figured out how to make and receive phone calls and text messages. I then added the voice mail message.

The next step was to start to download apps for it. Your truly, the big radio enthusiast chose to download the Sirius/XM apps first. The next ones were Radio@aol which includes the CBS owned stations. I also got the app for the Cheap Channel (Clear Channel) stations. WFUV had its own app but was also included in the NPR radio app. I then downloaded the apps for Facebook and Twitter and experimented with entering data into those two services. Finally I downloaded ESPN for sports scores and ABC News. It is now about 5:10 PM, so I will put the phone aside until about 8 PM. I think I will upload some of my CDs.

If any of my readers can recommend some apps or offer an advice on using the iPhone, please let me know.

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