Monday, January 11, 2010

Google and Who Wants to be a Millionaire

The rules on the game show Who Wants to a Millionaire were changed today thanks to our "friend" Google. Since the inception of the show a contestant had the ability to phone someone to help get an answer. This person had 30 seconds to assist the contestant. It became obvious that the "friend" had a computer in front of him/her and "Googled" to find the answer. I did this at home a few times to amuse myself. The producers of the show figured this out and eliminated this lifeline. The following lifelines are left:

  • Ask the Audience
  • Double Dip
  • Ask the Expert (the contestant no longer has to wait to the $5,000 plateau to use this)

Since 2003 no contestant has won the million dollars except in a recent tournament held by the show to finally get a big winner. I think the elimination of the Phone-A-Friend lifeline will make it even more difficult for contestants to be big winners. My suggestion to the producers would be to restore the "Switch the Question" lifeline which was allowed at one time if the player passed the $25,000 plateau.

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