Monday, January 4, 2010

My Top 10 Facebook Friends of 2010

A few days ago I commented on my top 10 Facebook followers of 2010. Today I received my list of top 10 Facebook friends. Some people were on both lists, I will only comment on those who were unique to this second list:

#1:Alan Berman - how can he not be #1 when I appointed him The Distinguished Professor of Oldies Radio and then promoted to Dean. Do I hear my phone ringing?

#2:Patrick J Guice - I must say this man has excellent taste in radio shows.

#3:Mary Hennessy Shaw

#4:Victor Monachelli

#5:Joel Glassman

#6:Clay Cole - it is indeed an honor for him to be #6 on my list. I had the pleasure of meeting him at the recent Beatexpo in Stamford. CT. I recommend everyone reading my journal also read his new book Shboom the Explosion of Rock N Roll 1953-68. I wrote a review of this book in the December 17, 2009 entry of this journal

#7:Broadway Bill Lee - another pleasant surprise. I met Bill at the Oldies Meet and Greet in December 2008 and the WCBS-FM picnic in August 2009

#8:Linda Silverberg Cohen

#9:Alan Seltzer

#10:Joe Viel - He was my fraternity brother at City College of New York. He introduced me to beer all those years ago.

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