Monday, January 25, 2010

Remember Non-Profit Radio Stations Provide Unique Programming Please Support Them

On Saturday WFUV commenced a fund raising drive. This week the station is playing 5 decades of music in 5 days. Today the featured music of my favorite decade, the 1960s. I usually give WFUV $100/year during their Fall drive. Later this winter I will give the same to Jazz station WBGO. When I got my iPhone I downloaded a program that will allow me to listen to NPR stations all over the country. I hope my radio friends will also donate an appropriate amount to their favorite not for profit radio station.

My "problem" is that I listen to so many radio stations that I have to spread myself so thin. There are AM and FM stations in NYC, internet only stations, broadcast stations in other markets on the web, HD2 and HD3 stations, and last but not least Sirius/XM. There is only 24 hours in a day. I have to sleep and I also read a lot.

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