Friday, February 26, 2010

Celebrating the Life of Johnny Cash on a Snow Day

If you do a search of this journal, you will find many references to Johnny Cash. Without any influence from me my son Lee became a big fan of the Man in Black. Before he was born I only had one of his albums in my collection. Today would have been his 78th birthday. Since we are all home today on account of a major snowstorm we have time to celebrate his life. Later today we will view the biopic Walk The Line on DVD. A few days ago I downloaded Johnny Cash; American VI: Ain't No Grave‎ which was released this week 6 1/2 years after his passing. We will listen to at 6 PM when we eat dinner. I will also check out The Roadhouse on Sirius/XM; hopefully they
feature Johnny's recordings today. Below is a video of Bob Dylan and Johnny singing Girl of the North Country that appeared on the Johnny Cash show in 1969. Facebook friends can see it at

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