Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones

I am at work tonight. In a few minutes I'll be going over to Tiernan Hall to teach chemical engineering students how to search Scifinder Scholar and Scopus. For more information please see my work related blog. Anyway, since I can't think of anything else to post here, I will go back to my color songs. We are still in the "greens.". I think it was back in the summer of 1967 when Scott Muni played the top British hits on WOR-FM. The Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones was a much bigger hit in the UK than it was in the USA. I'll have to check my Joel Whitburn book when I get home. Facebook friends can see and hear Tom Jones at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5IABqwVO2U

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