Monday, February 8, 2010

Reconnecting through a common interest in Cousin Bruce

A few weeks ago I got a Facebook friend request from Bob Lasky whom I knew from Queens B'nai Brith Singles. Yesterday I received a message on my cell phone that he called and invited me to phone him back. So tonight I called Bob who moved to Daytona Bech, Florida as we reminisced about our days in the old singles group almost 30 years ago. I mentioned to him that I run into his old buddy Eddie Rimsky who lives in my neighborhood. Herb Hollander is the only guy in the old group that I speak to regularly, but Herb keeps in touch with several others. Bob and I also reconnected with Marsha Schnee who was the President.

The most interesting thing that Bob told me was that he found me on the Cousin Bruce Morrow Facebook page. I told Bob that I have met the Cuz on a number of occasions over the years. We will certainly keep in touch through Facebook and phone calls.

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