Saturday, February 6, 2010

West Virginia 79 St. Johns 60

We like to see at least one college basketball game each season at Madison Square Garden. The weather forecast called for a big storm, but luckily for us the storm stayed to the south. New York City received hardly any snow while Philadelphia, only 100 miles south of us, got over 2 feet. We took the subway to see a Big East matchup between St. Johns and West Virgina. The Red Storm had a 16 point lead early in the game and led at halftime 33-22. West Virginia came to life in the second half and won 79 to 60. St. Johns' overall record is 12-10, but only 2-8 in the competitive Big East. There were only about 6000 fans in the stands. It is unfortunate that college basketball does not the big following that it did in the Big Apple years ago.

Game Summary

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