Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Here Comes the Sun!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rain causes sadness
Monday, March 29, 2010
Million Dollar Quartet - one last time
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Million Dollar Quartet - My Review

- Smokey Joe's Cafe
- All Shook Up
- The Times They Are A Changin'
- Ring of Fire
- Jersey Boys
- Million Dollar Quartet
I enjoyed all of the above, but I am not the typical viewer of Broadway shows. Only Smokey Joe's Cafe and Jersey Boys were commercial successes. Certainly Elvis Presley has universal appeal, but All Shook Up closed after 33 previews and 213 performances. The weakness of this type of show is the lack of an in depth plot. Million Dollar Quartet relates how these 4 superstars performed a jam session on December 4, 1956. If you love the oldies, this show is for you. Most of the audience were people older that I. There were many empty seats in the theater, but the show is still in previews. The show is only 1 hour and 40 minutes, but I only paid $19.56 per ticket (this was a special deal advertised on WCBS-FM). I had to shell out $100/ticket for Jersey Boys two years ago.
I can not accurately predict how the professional critics will evaluate this show. It was successful in Chicago, but that is not Broadway. I would recommend that my oldies enthusiast friends see this before it closes. I hope it succeeds, but I am not optimisic. I loved the The Times They Are A Changin but it closed after 28 previews and 35 previews.
I suggest my readers see the Youtube Video
Happy Birthday - Lee

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Oldies Concert at the Flushing Library
Facebook Friends

Some months ago I de-friended several people whom I just didn't know. This morning I de-friended 38 people for that same reason. As I perused my list, I did give many people the benefit of the doubt, but my list is at 380 which is still too high. Facebook does not inform a member when someone unfriends him, so I am certain that many people have done the same to me for whatever reason.
This entire Facebook thing is getting silly. I suppose it is a fad that will eventually decline in popularity. I have noticed that many people start a profile and then abandon it or delete it in a short period of time. I have had positive and negative experiences with it.
Have a nice day everybody.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Spotlight on Johnny Cash

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spotlight on Carl Perkins
Wikipedia biography of Carl Perkins
Below is a video of Carl Perkins performing Blue Suede Shoes on the Johnny Cash TV show. You will see the Man in Black introducing him. Facebook friends can see it at .
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Spotlight on Elvis Presley
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spotlight on Jerry Lee Lewis
Wikipedia entry
Facebook friends can see this video at
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Should Police bother with very petty offenses?

His Offense: Taking 2 Seats on a Nearly Empty Train by Jim Dwyer.
A man was given a summons for taking up 2 seats on an empty subway car at 1:30 AM. In the post 9/11 era I am always grateful to see a police officer in a train station or a subway car. A mass transit hub is a vulnerable place for a terrorist attack and a police presence certain thwarts a possible attack.
Customers on mass transit are often discourteous to their fellow riders. I see people hogging seats on crowded New Jersey Transit trains all the time, but the conductors rarely confront them. I absolutely hate when passengers block doors on subways and buses. This is a matter of courtesy, not a crime. I would much rather see police patrolling cars and stations to defer real crime.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Should I apply to be on the Community Advisory Board to WFUV?

•Review the programming goals established by the station;
•Review the community service provided by the station;
•Review the impact on the community of significant policy decisions made by the station;
•Advise the governing board of the station whether the programming and other significant policies of the station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station.
WFUV brands itself as "Rock and Roots Radio" which to me is quite vague. They used to refer to their programming during the week as "City Folk" which is folk music for people in NYC. In radio jargon their format is described as AAA (Adult Album Alternative).
Readers of this Journal know that I listen to many genres of music. A jack of all trades is a master of none. I would estimate that I listen to WFUV about 6 - 8 hours each week, but my knowledge of the multitude of recording artists that they play is very cursory. Based on that I don't know if I can effectively serve on their board. WFUV does play more Bob Dylan music than any other station on the terrestrial dial in NYC. Only plays more Dylan.
OK folks - should I apply?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bought Yankee Tickets Today

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Blue Moon by the Marcels
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Facebook Friend of the Day - Ray Schwartz

I would like to dedicate Keep on Running by the Spencer Davis Group to Ray. Facebook friends can see it at
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Green Grass - Gary Lewis and the Playboys
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sad Radio News - Ron Lundy passes away at 75

Ron was always a friend behind the mike when he was on the air. He came to New York on WABC in 1965 on the overnight shift. For most of his time there he worked from 10 AM - 2 PM. He and Dan Ingram did the last music show on WABC on May 10, 1982. Ron's voice was also heard in the movie Midnight Cowboy. From 1984 - 1997 Ron worked at WCBS-FM from 9 AM - 12 noon. Radio enthusiast Alan Berman pointed out that when Joe McCoy hired Ron at WCBS-FM, he actually made time for him by shortening other DJs shifts.
He will be sorely missed by his friends in NYC. There was an article in today's Daily News by David Hinckley saying that NYC DJ Bobby Jay travelled 10 hours from his home in Columbia, SC to see Ron one last time.
My condolences to his wife Shirley in Mississippi.
Finally finished with the dentist - I was crowned

Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Music Man at the Bay Terrace Jewish Center

My favorite character in the play has to be Marian the Librarian who reminds me of a former Director of Reference at the NJIT Library. I really shouldn't talk about her any further. Some of the familar musical numbers for the show are:
- Seventy-Six Trombones
- Till There was You - covered by the Beatles.
- Gary, Indiana
It is a Crime to Abandon a Pet

It is really cruel to abandon a pet like that. Hopefully he wasn't in the park very long. Next to the basketball court there is a dog run, so the jerk thought a dog lover would adopt it. I am sure that the police was able to get the dog to an animal shelter and that a new home will be found for him.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Random Thoughts on a Rainy Saturday
We bought our plane tickets today for our trip to Chicago in June to begin and end our Jay Buckley baseball tour.
I very rarely get involved with radio station contests but several years ago on a Sunday morning as I was leaving to buy the newspaper I phoned in to Gary Clark of WCBS-FM and answered a trivia question about a Temptations hit. The answer was "I Wish it Would Rain"
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bob Dylan's Never Ending Tour Resumes

Set List
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I am telling you I am not going

There are certain problems with this. The most important is that it would retroactively change the conditions under which people accepted employment. Also, NJIT is a state supported school. We are not state employees since much of our salaries are supported by tuition dollars. The arguments for and against this are outlined in the linked article. At this stage of my life, I just don't want to uproot my family and adjust to living in a new community. I heard that there are about 10,000 people in this situation. Relocating would be a hardhsip for most. True, the commuting can be a pain in the butt, but housing in a nice community within a short commute to Newark would be very expensive. I still can't cut my travel time to zero.
I think it is unlikely that this bill will pass since there are so many complications. People should live where they want. I think there will be much discussion on this before it is resolved.
I actually heard this over the news on WBGO this morning. My colleague Heather brought the article to my attention.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Orange Blossom Special - Johnny Cash
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Best of Health to Ron Lundy
I certain wish Ron the best of health. I always remember him as being very friendly over the air. For most of his time at WCBS-FM he was on the air from 9 AM - 12 noon. I remember listening to his farewell show on September 18, 1997 a few days after my father passed away. He has spent his retirement years in Mississippi far away from the Big Apple. He has been interviewed a few times on oldies shows.
Some airchecks and photos from his last show may be found at .
Wikipedia article.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Article about Facebook in Sunday's New York Times Business Section

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Today's Basketball Notes

Last night I watched the HBO special on Larry Bird and Magic Johnson so luckily for me I missed seeing the Knicks to the New Jersey Nets 113-93. The Nets won their 7th game of the season (2 against the Knicks) and now have a good chance of obtaining the worst season record in NBA history. The Philadelphia 76ers were 9-73 in 1972-73.
LeBron James has applied to change his uniform number fror 23 to 6 for the Cleveland Cavaliers. This has fueled speculation that will he will stay in Cleveland and not sign with the Knicks. It seems that for two seasons Donnie Walsh, Knick President of Basketball Operations, has been trying to undo the fiasco of his predecessor Isiah Thomas. Walsh is dumping all contracts that don't expire so that he'll have enough money to sign several big free agents including LeBron James. If he doesn't, you will hear chants of "Fire Donny" in Madison Square Garden next season. Personally, I think everyone will be better off if the Dolans sell the team.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Crazy Heart

IMDB entry
Friday, March 5, 2010
Jolly Green Giant by the Kingsmen
Thursday, March 4, 2010
4 more Met games in 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Green Green by the New Christy Minstrels
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The President of the United States has good taste in recording artists

Monday, March 1, 2010
My Favorite Radio Shows
My Favorite Current Radio Shows (in no particular order)
Dan Taylor’s Morning Show on WCBS-FM
Claudia Marshall on WFUV
Gary Walker - WBGO
Bob Shannon - WCBS-FM
Bob Shannon WLNG
Ron Parker - WCBS-FM
Sue O’Neal - WCBS-FM
Pat St. John - Sirius/XM 50s on 5 and WCBS-FM
Pete Fornatale - WFUV
Don Tandler - WHTG AM and the Breeze
Bob Radil - WNHU New Haven
Breakfast with the Beatles -Ken Dashow WAXQ
Breakfast with the Beatles - Dennis Mitchell (internet radio)
Sounds of the 60s with Brian Matthew BBC2
Lost 45s with Barry Scott - WODS Boston
Cousin Bruce Morrow Sirius/XM 60s on 6
Dick Biondi - WLS-FM Chicago
Broadway Bill Lee - WCBS-FM
Joe Causi - WCBS-FM
Retired radio personalities and shows that are no longer on the air are not included. I am generally not into talk radio, so those shows are not included.