Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Best of Health to Ron Lundy

For readers of Bruce's Journal who are not radio enthuisasts, Ron Lundy was a radio personality who worked at WABC (1965-82) and WCBS-FM (1984-1997). There was a report today on the New York Radio Message Board that he is having health problems.

I certain wish Ron the best of health. I always remember him as being very friendly over the air. For most of his time at WCBS-FM he was on the air from 9 AM - 12 noon. I remember listening to his farewell show on September 18, 1997 a few days after my father passed away. He has spent his retirement years in Mississippi far away from the Big Apple. He has been interviewed a few times on oldies shows.

Some airchecks and photos from his last show may be found at http://www.musicradio77.com/ronlundy.html .

Wikipedia article.

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