Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mets 5 Giants 4 in 11 innings

For the second day in a row the Mets won the game with a walk off home run by the catcher. The Amazins were ahead by 4-2, but the bull pen blew the lead. I just hate it when the manager brings in a reliever to face just one batter. Fernando Nieve, Pedro Feliciano, and Jennry Mejia eached pitched to just one batter in the 8th inning. When the game went into extra innings we were afraid that Jerry Manuel would deplete his bullpen as he almost did in the 20 inning game a few weeks ago. Henry Blanco ended the game in the 11th inning with a walk off home run.

We were sitting with Alan Berman, the Dean of Oldies Listeners. I found out through Facebook that radio friend Amy Auerbach was also at the game.

Box Score

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