Friday, May 7, 2010

What a tiring week

  • Monday was normal
  • Tuesday night we went to the Yankee game and didn't get home until 11:40 PM
  • Wednesday was my late night at the NJIT library but on the way I hit a train delay. The New Jersey Transit train was sitting in the Newark station, but there was an announcement saying there were switching problems. I went to NYC via PATH which takes longer
  • Thursday night to pay Alan Berman a shiva call at his apartment on the upper east side. I got home very late.
  • Friday was another train delay. I was on the #7 train at Times Square. The conductor said that there was a train stuck in the tunnel. I had to go to the E train to get into Queens. This took about 30 minutes longer than usual.

I will have to end this journal entry with an appropriate song. How about I'm So Tired by the Beatles. Facebook friends can see it at

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