Monday, June 21, 2010

Jay Buckley Baseball Trip Day 6

Saturday June 19

We had to wake up at 5 AM so we could leave the hotel in Collinsville, IL by 6 AM to reach Wrigley Field by 12 noon. The time of the game was changed to accommodate the television schedule. We traveled via I-55 to Chicago. It was smooth sailing until we hit heavy traffic in the city. We arrived at the stadium exactly at the time the game began. As I approached my seat I turned around and saw Howie Kendrick lead off the game with a home run. It turned into a blowout as the Angels beat the Cubs 12-0. Box score.

After the game we returned to the Shearaton by O'Hare airport. We originally decided to catch our breath for the evening. We left for New York on Sunday.

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