Friday, July 30, 2010

Bob Dylan and Jeopardy - Perfect Together

For the second year in a row there was a Bob Dylan category on the last day of the season for Jeopardy. If you don't believe me, read my journal entry from last July. The category was "Say What, Bob". As it was revealed, I thought that since there are so many Bobs in the world, that it could mean anything. All the clues were about lyrics to his songs. I got all the questions right :).
Jeopardy usually takes a 6 week hiatus in August and early September. I wish Alex Trebek, the Clue Crew and everyone behind the scenes a good vacation. I will certainly be ready for the next season. It is very convenient for Jeopady to be seen at 5 PM on Channel 55 in eastern Long Island and Channel 7 in NYC. I'd like to again thank Karen for recording the show for me on days when I have to work late at NJIT.

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