Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts on a Very Hot Saturday

I went out with Lee to Cunningham Park at 8 AM to play basketball before it got too hot. When we got home we decided to see Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio. He is an excellent actor, but the film was somewhat confusing. We were thinking about attending a rally by the Mitchell-Linden Civic Association which was against overdevelopment in downtown Flushing. I would have liked to have gone, but it was just too hot. We got home to see the end of the Yankee game as they lost 7-4. Alex Rodriguez did not get his 600th career home run. I didn't turn on the Met game until 5 PM, but it was a big oy vey as they lost to the Dodgers 3-2 in the 13th inning. James Loney had a walk off home run off Oliver Perez. How could the Mets pay this guy $36 million over 3 years. He is bad news. I think they should get rid of him and eat the contract.

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