Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tales from the Tunnel at the Bleecker Street Theater

A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from the Straphangers Campaign, a local advocacy group, about a new off-Broadway show called Tales from the Tunnel . Regular readers of Bruce's Journal are aware of some of my postings complaining about delays and other issues relating to mass transit in New York and New Jersey.

We got tickets for todays show which began at 4 PM. The 6 actors and actresses did about 40 skits in 90 minutes about various experiences that happen to all of us on the subway. I will list a few:
  • A baby carriage was stuck in the subways doors with the baby until someone rescued the child as the train started to leave the station.
  • A person jumped on the tracks to retrieve a lost handbag
  • Smelly people on the trains
  • Homeless people panhandling
  • Kids selling candy on the trains to support their school clubs

I would recommend this show to regular subway passengers like myself who can relate to he stories. It plays Saturdays and Sundays until September 5.

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