Saturday, October 2, 2010

5th Annual Meet and Greet and Oldies Radio Enthusiasts Scheduled for November 13

We did it before and we're doing it again.  Alan Berman, Jeff Scheckner and I are organizing the Fifth Annual Meet and Greet of Oldies Radio Enthusiasts.  Here is the announcement from Facebook:

By Popular demand we are holding another Meet and Greet of fans of Oldies radio as we have done ever Fall since 2006. This gathering is organized by Alan Berman, Bruce Slutsky, and Jeff Scheckner. It does not in any way endorse any radio station or program. We hope to have some oldies radio personalities as guests, but can presently not make any promises. We will make further announcements when we have a definite committment.

Please feel free to invite any friends whether or not they are on Facebook. We ask that if you come, have a meal at Ben's since they have allowed us to reserve a private room without money in advance. It is very moderately priced.

On that day Alan Berman will be the happiest man on the face of the earth.  He really wants a big turnout of oldies enthusiasts.  All readers of Bruce's Journal are invited.  Ben's Deli at 209 West 38th Street in Manhattan offers a bright and cheerful environment. The event is from 2 - 4 PM. I am looking forward to my pastrami sandwich.

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