Monday, October 11, 2010

Incident on the Subway this Morning

I was on the #7 train this morning on my way to NJIT, not jury duty.  As the train was beginning to leave the Flushing station a woman tried to board the train as the doors were closing.  She could not get on the train but a plastic bag with her lunch and a water bottle were stuck in the doors as the train started to move.  She tried pulling her package out and ran with the train.  Someone pulled the emergency cord and the train abruptly stopped.  A minute later a transit policeman came and opened the door and released her package.  He wouldn't allow to board our train.  A little common sense goes a long way.  The worst that could have happened was that she lost her lunch.  This is what happens when people are in a hurry.  The train moved one stop to Willets Point and was taken out of service.  Fortunately I was only delayed for a few minutes.

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