Friday, October 8, 2010

Jury Duty Day #11 - The last 2 witnesses

For those reading this journal who are not residents Queens, the above is a photo of the Sutphin Blvd courthouse in Jamaica.  It has become a very familiar place over the last month.  The good news is that I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel today.  We heard the last two witnesses presented by the defense.  The judge let us go home by 12 noon.  I will be working on some NJIT work this afternoon at home after completing this journal entry.

For next week

Monday - Columbus Day - the court is closed.
Tuesday - the judge has other business
Wednesday - the judge will be meeting all day with the attorneys for the case.
Thurday - the finale.  The attorneys will be presenting their closing arguments.  The judge will charge the jury and we will make our judgement.  Hopefully, it ends then.

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