Monday, October 25, 2010

You are What You Read

I gave some thought today to what I read regularly. Let’s start with the Sunday New York Times that has been a ritual for years. There is so much to read there so it takes me two days to finish it. Let me quote a one time advertising slogan “You don’t have to read it all but it’s nice to know that it’s all there”

Of course when I put my hands on the Times I go for the Sports section. In recent years I’ve had to fight with Lee to get it first. I usually let him get it first. Then there is the Metropolitan section which reports on news from the 5 boroughs. Today’s paper really piqued my interest since it concerned the subway system. I was especially amused by an article titled “Stand Clear of the Snarling Herd” by Ron Lieber. It considers many of the situations that irritate the average straphanger. I especially hate people who refuse to move into the center of the car when the board the train. The author also discussed people who eat on the train, luggage schleppers (my term), and Metrocard problems among others. I admire young students who must carry their books to school, but their book bags just take up too much space. Another article discussed MTA Chairman Jay Walder and the many fiscal problems that face the system.

Let’s move on to the main system that is usually very boring. There were several articles in today’s paper about the forthcoming congressional elections and how the Republicans could take over one or both houses. Much of the detailed international news is just not of interest to me. The New York scandal sheets whose names will not be mentioned

The Sunday Styles section includes articles about interpersonal relationships. Today there was another Facebook article titles “How to Get Unfriended.”

I conclude my Sunday reading by looking at the Arts & Leisure section. I often find out about movies, concerts and shows that I would like to see.

I must finish reading the Sunday Times on my Monday commute. I regularly read:

  • The Magazine
  • News of the Week
  • Business
  • Book Review

I generally do not read

  • Real Estate
  • Travel
  • Automobiles

I remember in the 1970s I had a subscription to the daily New York Times, but I really need to spend time with other publications. Here are some of the magazines that I read regularly:

  • Sports Illustrated
  • The Sporting News
  • Discover
  • Scientific American
  • Chemical and Engineering News – I must go back to my educational roots
  • Rolling Stone (what is an old guy like me reading this? – The subscription cost only about 50 cents an issues so it was a no brainer)
  • Goldmine ( a magazine for collectors of music and videos)

If that isn’t enough, I read plenty of books on my favorite topics. However, I never read novels. I can not remember the last time I read a work of fiction.


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