Saturday, November 13, 2010

5th Annual Meet and Greet and Oldies Radio Enthusiasts

For those of you who don't know him the gentleman in the photo above is Alan Berman who today was the happiest man of the face of the earth.  For 365 days a year (366 on leap years) he talks about the annual Meet and Greet of Oldies Radio Enthusiasts.  Yours truly, Alan, and Jeff Scheckner organized this event held at Ben's Deli on 38th Street in Manhattan.  This year a record setting 75 people attended.  We had some radio personalities including:
  • Jim Kerr (Q-104.3)
  • Don Tandler (New Jersey 101.5)
  • Big Jay Sorensen (WCBS-FM)
  • Bob Radil (Rewound Radio)
  • Anita Bonita
  • Famous Amos
  • Rich Appel
Over the past 15 years people have formed "electronic friendships" with people having similiar interests.  I have certainly met many radio enthusiasts through Facebook and message boards.  It was nice to see some old acquaintances for the first time in a few years.  The following names come to mind:
  • Frank D'Agostino
  • Gary Fishbein (I think he is a bigger Met fan than I)
  • Andrea Wiener (the oldies diva)
  • Linda Cohen ( I have known her for years)
  • Mary Shaw
  • Terri D
  • Rich Appel
  • Bill Dillane
  • Larry Stoler
It is always nice to meet people for the first time.  I met Stu Dolgon on the WCBS-FM AOL folder back in the 1990s, but I met him for the first time face to face today.  Some years ago I traded radio tapes with Scott Lowe a member of the radio club Decalcomania.  I met him for the first time today.

I think everyone really enjoyed this and are looking forward to another one next year.  I prefer smaller gatherings where everyone knows each other, but a large "Meet and Greet" once a year is a good thing.

My Facebook friends can see photos on my profile.  I'm  sure others will be posting within a day or so.  Readers of Bruce's Journal not on Facebook can see my photos at

Bill Dillane's photos may be seen at

Jerry Barmash's article about the gathering may be found at:

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