Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello Dolly, Jeopardy, Casey Kasem and My Cassette Walkman

Yesterday I brought my cassette walkman (remember them?) to listen to music on the commute to work.  I listened to a tape of American Top 40 with Casey Kasem.  He featured a countdown of the 40 top girls name songs.  As I left the train last night Casey was going to play Hello Dolly by Louis Armstrong, but I had to shut the cassette player off.

When I got home I watched a tape of Jeopardy from earlier in the evening.  The final Jeopardy answer in the category Billboard #1 hits was:  Song that kicked Can't Buy Me Love by the Beatles out of number 1 in 1964 (Jet Screamers favorite year).  The question:  What was Hello Dolly by Louis Armstrong.  What a strange coincidence.

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