Monday, November 29, 2010

I ordered an Amazon Kindle today

Since today is Cyber Monday I just had to jump on the bandwagon and purchase something online.  Of course I wouldn't have to fight the crowds and wait on line at a shopping mall.  I have been mulling this over for several months and today finally took the plunge and bought an Amazon Kindle.  I very often purchase books which are large and heavy and difficult to schlep to work.  If a book is heavy, I can't read it unless I get a seat.  The Amazon Kindle obviously solves that problem.  I have to think of what will be the first book that I order online.  Hmm, I have probably read every Bob Dylan book that has ever been written.  I have a couple of days to think about it until my package arrives.  Readers of Bruce's Journal or my Facebook friends are welcome to make suggestions.

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