Sunday, December 12, 2010

Analysis of Facebook Friends

I just did an analyis of my Facebook friends today.  I also did an analysis in July 2009 with somewhat different categroeis of friends

December 2010

NJIT Library - 4%
NJIT other -17%
NY Librarians - 9%
NJ Librarians - 5%
Other Librarians - 11%
Radio Enthusiasts - 35%
Dylan Fans - 1 %
People from my past - 10%
Baseball Fans -  2%
Family - 3%
Other 4%

July 2009

New York Librarians -  8.4%
New Jersey Librarians - 5.3 %
NJIT Colleagues - 11.0%
American Chemical Society Colleagues -  6.8%
Other Librarians -  4.8%
Radio enthusiasts -  22.6%
Family - 2.0%
NJIT Students - 25.1%
People from my past -  3.2%
Other Slutskys  0.2%
Bob Dylan Enthusiasts  0.2%
Others - 7.1%

Notice that I did not do this in the form of a spreadsheet.  I see enough of those at work. :)  I will also refrain from doing a statistical analysis.  This is not a peer reviewed paper.

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