Sunday, December 26, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Snowy Sunday

There was a forecast for a major snowstorm today starting in the late morning so Lee and I were able to get out for some basketball and a walk through Forest Park before the snow started.  For some reason I couldn't get through to the 3G network on the iPhone. When I got home I used the airplane mode to access the internet.  When I changed to mode, the 3G network returned.  I guess it was one of those strange computer things.

At 11 AM the snow began.  As I write this at 8 PM, the snow is coming down very hard.  I think they are predicting 12-16 inches.  We just didn't want to go to the multiplex for the third day in a row, so we decided to walk over to Gino's pizza while the snow was light to get out of the apartment for a little while at least.

I didn't want to watch 6 straight hours of football, so I decided to read the Sunday New York Times until 2:30.  Then we turned on the Jet game as they lost to the Chicago Bears 38-34.  Since Jacksonville lost their game the Jets cliched a playoff spot.  At 4:15 I decided to read my Sal Mineo book and turned on the Giant game for the second half.  They lost to the Green Bay Packers 45-17.

Right now I am listening to the Top 77 hits on Rewound Radio as voted by the listeners of Bob Radil's 60s and 70s show.  I am not a big fan of countdowns since if I like a song, I don't care what number it is.

I am off from work tomorrow anyway, so I don't have to worry about the public transportation in the snow.

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