Monday, March 14, 2011

Spotlight on Frank D'Agostino

If this journal entry is dedicated to Frank D'Agostino then why is Ron Lundy in the photo?  Frank just sent me a nice e-mail reminding me that tomorrow (March 15) will be the first anniversary of Ron's passing.  Ron had to be the nicest man to be on New York City airwaves from 1965-1997. Please see my journal entry for March 15, 2010. He is certainly sorely missed by his many listeners and friends.

I am respecting Frank's wishes by not posting his photo.  He deleted his Facebook profile as many other have.  Some people are private and don't want everyone to know what they are doing.  I certainly understand that.  By the way Frank, Alan has penciled in Saturday November 12th for the next oldies meet and greet.  He will not let you hear the end of it.

I am glad that Frank can now vary his activities on Saturday nights and not compell himself to listen to a pompous and nasty jerk.  In honor of the WABC Cruise in June 2007, I am dedicating Sea Cruise by Frankie Ford to Frank.  I hope he was able to see Cousin Brucie, Dan Ingram, and the late Soupy Sales board the boat.

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