Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bob Dylan and Paul Simon Perfect Together and Apart

New CDs for Paul Simon and Bob Dylan were released today.  The one for Dylan was not exactly new since it was a concert recorded at Brandeis University in 1963.  This concert tape concert tape was discovered recently in the archives of the noted music writer and Rolling Stone co-founder Ralph Gleason.  The Paul Simon CD is a new one titled So Beautiful or So What.  It was like old times since on the way home from work I was able to stop by the Borders by Penn Station and buy the two CDs.  When I got home from work I only had time to listen to Dylan before Jeopardy started at 7 PM.  I'll listen to the Paul Simon CD in a day or so.

This brings me back to late July 1999 when Dylan and Simon toured together.  We saw them at Jones Beach when they performed separately and together.  I fondly remember that concert.

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