Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clearing Clutter in the Apartment

Believe me, my apartment was never as cluttered as the one in the photo above.  I spent previous staycations sitting on a park bench reading for pleasure like a retiree.  This time we decided to do something useful in clearing out much of the clutter in my department.  I just didn't realize how much stuff we saved over the years.  I actually found my old income tax returns back to 1978.  We found some photos of Lee from when he was a small child.  It is very difficult to make a decision of what to keep and what to discard.  I moved many of my old books to my garage.

There is an old cliche saying that "an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure."  In the future, we will have to examine our belongings and discard what we don't need or use anymore.

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