Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day 2011

A picture is worth a 1000 words.  My mother Lillian Slutsky was very happy to celebrate Mother's Day with her entire family.  It is hard to believe that she will be 92 years young in September.  This past year was a little difficult for her.  She had lived alone for 13 years after my Dad passed away, but had to move to an assisted living facility last August.  It was an adjustment for her, but she seems to be content with the new situation.  It is like living in a resort hotel.  Her biggest chronic health issue is arthritis.

The quote of the afternoon came from my sister Joyce who ask me not to put any photos of her on Facebook.  I respect her wishes and refrained from doing so.  The hit of the day was her 9 month old Cockapoo puppy named Casey seen below.  He was running around jumping on everyone.

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