Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So What Did I do on Bob Dylan's Birthday

Since I am off from work this week Karen and I decided to do some spring cleaning.  We both have the bad habit of not discarding things that we no longer need.  We certainly threw out a lot of stuff that accumulated over the years.  Anyway, why we were doing this chore I was listening to WFUV.  Years ago the station used to feature all Dylan all day on his birthday, but now they have to comply with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.  Any station that webcasts is limited to how many songs by an artist they can play in an hour.  In any event event they played a good selction of Dylan songs and cover versions.  I spent some time listening to the BBC specials described earlier in this journal.  I ate dinner listening to Blonde on Blonde.

I would like to thank Bill Dilane for bringing to my attention this CBS News report on Dylan's 70th birthday.

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