Saturday, June 18, 2011

Southern California Vacation - Day 7 June 16

Today I revisited Disneyland after 31 years. In 1980 before I was married I went with my buddy Herb Hollander. It was certainly a small world as we met fellow Queens B’nai Brith Singles members Robin Brown and Sandy Bernstein. Let’s turn the clock ahead to June 2011 as I returned with Karen and Lee. Anaheim is certainly more developed with several hotels near Disneyland.

Many of the attractions have likely been at Disneyland since the park’s opening in 1955. These include:

The Main Street Cinema featuring Steamboat Willy
The Mark Twain Riverboat
Pirates of the Caribbean
Big Thunder Mountain Railway
Space Mountain
It’s A Small World

Many of the attraction were updated to include some of the newer Disney characters such of Buzz Lightyear and Nemo.

It was nice to be a kid again for a day.

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