Saturday, June 18, 2011

Southern California Vacation - Day 8 June 17

We started out on Friday, our last full day in California, at the Aquarium of the Pacific, a quick 5 minute drive from our hotel.    It is organized into 3 main galleries with an emphasis on the aquatic life of the Pacific Ocean. The guide states that there are 1100 fish among 500 species at this aquarium. A special exhibit titled Arctic & Antarctic: Our Polar Regions in Peril demonstrated the changes in those regions caused by global warming.

In the early evening we drove up to Brentwood to meet with Joe Viel and his wife Faye for dinner. I knew Joe in the late 60s and early 70s when we belonged to Sigma Beta Phi fraternity at the City College of New York. Joe moved to California in the early 70s and has traveled extensively for his business. I always remember Joe for introducing me to beer. In his honor I drank a Heinekin with my dinner.

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