Friday, August 26, 2011

Some Bob Dylan Songs that May be Appropriate for This Weekend

People in the east coast are bracing for Hurricaine which may be a really bad one.  Meteorology is not an exact science so we don't know exactly what will happen until it gets here.  Hopefully the storm will lose some of its punch before it comes here.  Anyway, when there is a hurricaine or storm, a few Bob Dylan songs come to mind.
  • The obvious one is Hurricaine that tells of the saga of Ruben Hurricaine Carter which is not a weather event.  Thank you Bob Radil for playing it tonight
  • Then there is Blowin' in the Wind.  In this case the "wind" in the song is philosopical in nature.
  • Hey, I just thought of Rainy Day Women #12 and #35, but anyone who know Dylan knows that this song often a favorite at concerts has nothing to do with H2O
  • Lastly there is Shelter from the Storm.  A storm in this context is a difficult situation that we must confront.
Please click to follow the links to read the lyrics

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