Sunday, August 28, 2011

We Made it through Hurricane Irene

The hardest rain was during the overnight hours in Queens while winds were not too bad.  The weather reports staed that by the time the eye of the storm hit Coney Island at about 9 AM, Irene had been downgraded to a tropical storm.  By the late morning the rain ended.  About 1:30 PM we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.  Only some small branches had fallen off trees.  When I turned on the TV I heard reports of many power outages and flooding.  The rain rather than the wind caused most of the damage.  My mother wasn't as lucky since her complex in Westbury, Long Island is still without power after losing it last night.

I still don't know if I will go to work tomorrow.  I already read the CW Post and Southern Connecticut State University will be closed, but I haven't heard yet from NJIT.  The lastest announcement from both the MTA and New Jeresy Transit said that train service will be limited tomorrow.  If I have to, I will take a personal day off from work.  I'll wait until tomorrow morning to make my decision.

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