Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Few Radio Notes

I have been a fan of WBGO for years and am pleased to donate $100/year to the station.  Their studios and transmitter are in downtown Newark within walking distance of NJIT where I work.  I can receive the station in my car radio when I am driving around Queens, but the reception in the apartment is spotty.  WBGO is trying to raise $3 Million to build a new transmitter in Times Square which is twice as high as the current one in Newark.  The station will be able to reach about 1 million more listeners. I ask my radio enthusiast friends who are reading this journal to support WBGO.

Right now I am listening to Real Jazz on SiriusXM.  Les Davis, a veteran in NYC radio is behind the mike.  Les worked for WRVR, the last commercial jazz station in NYC.  He also appeared on CD-101.9 and WYNY when it was an adult contemporary station at 97.1 FM.

106.7 HD2 finally came back to life playing country music.  I am likely one of few people with an HD radio who can hear it.

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