Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reds 6 Mets 5

When I bought a package of tickets last spring I picked a game late in the season hoping the Mets would be in the wild card race.  Boy, was I wrong.  I am glad that this miserable season is coming to an end for the Amazins.  The Mets were ahead 4-3 in the 7th inning when Tim Byrdak gave up two singles to left handed battters.  I just hate it when a pitcher is brought in to face one or two batters to play the percentages.  For this reason the games usually exceed 3 hours.  Then Josh Stinson was brought in and on the first pitch yielded a 3 run homer to Chris Heisey.  In the 8th inning Jose Reyes hit a double, but was called out when he caught off the base.  Wait until next year.

Box Score

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